February 9, 2025

Wine and Food – Red Wines

It is difficult enough to classify red wines on style , because in the course of time they change the taste and colour, strongly depend on quality of the collected crop, and their specific features are very difficult for foreseeing. But nevertheless it is possible to divide red dry wines into five basic groups.

Young red wines practically right after manufacturing put on the market. These wines concern to small endurance, therefore have light tone. Besides, they are acid and low alcoholic (10 – 12 %).

They are made from grapes Din, Grenash, Dolchetto, Kaberne Fran, and also other grades which wines allow to make small endurance. To them concern French Beaujolais (Beaujolais), Italian Dolcetto (Dolchetto), Bardolino (Bardolino), Valpolicella (Valpolichella), German wines made from grapes Shpetburgunder.

Submit their cooled (to 8 – 10 °C) that allows to accent their ease and fruit aroma.

These wines are ideally suited for simple dishes – sausages, stewed meat, a pizza, a spaghetti, salads and vegetables. Also they are not bad combined with fried seafood, including fish.

Red wines of an average body quite often name “silky” as they differ delicate sweetish taste with easy acid. The special piquancy to these wines is given by a bouquet containing aromas of a sweet cherry, plums, a black currant, a raspberry, and also different spices.

For their manufacture use the fruits which thin skin contains a small amount of tannins: Pino Nuar, Sanzho-veze, Grenash, Pinotazh. Representatives of this style are French red Burgundian and Bordovsky wines, Italian Brunello di Montalcino (Brunello-di-Montalchino) and Chianti Classico (Kjanti Klassiko), Barbera d’Alba, Spanish Valdepefias.

In order not to break their harmony temperature at the use should be 12 – 14 °C.

These wines perfectly approach to low-fat fried meat, the game submitted with a garnish from vegetables.

The red wines of a full body differently named tasters «powerful and energetic» as possess bright deep aroma and a considerable quantity of tannins. The alcohol maintenance reaches 12 – 14 %.

They are made of grades of grapes of Merlo, Zinfandel, Kaberne Sovi-non, by Cabernet of Fran, Shiraz. Among this style of wines the best French Bordovsky and Burgundian, Italian Barbaresco, Vagoju, Sagrantino di Montefalco (Sagrantino-di-Montefalko), South African Pinotage, Californian Zinfandel, Australian Shiraz (Shiraz).

They are recommend to submit at temperature 15 – 17 °C.

Thanks to the flavouring features these wines approach to a wide set of foods – both fish, and meat.

Silnotaninnye wines have dark red colour and coffee and even tobacco are characterised by a wide set of exotic aromas of grasses, chocolate. It is possible to name their taste tart, sweet and simultaneously sour.

Wines of this style group are made from grapes of grades of Kaberne Sovinon, Shiraz, Tempranilo, Nebbello. Among them – French Bordovsky fault, especially from area Medok, and also from northern part of a valley of Rhone, for example, Hermitage (Hermitage), the best grades of area Languedoc-Roussilon, Spanish Rioja Reserva (Rioha Rizerva), Italian Chianti Classico Riserva (Kjanti to the Classic of the Reserve), fault Cabernet-Sauvignon (Cabernet of Sovinon) from «new wine world».

The temperature of their giving should make 15 – 17 °C.

Owing to the flavouring features they perfectly approach to dishes from meat which prepare with a garnish from slightly sweetish vegetables – an onions, carrots.

Vintage wines concern the category of old wines. Degree of an old age of a drink can be defined on a red-brown deposit at the bottom of a bottle. The wine, the more softly its taste is more senior and colour is more light.

Before giving on a table wine is recommended to lead to temperature 18 °C.

To use them follows with delicate dishes, that is, with not too fat, sharp or salty. In general they can be tasted without any support, or in a combination to easy cheeses.

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