Gevjurtstraminer (Gewtirztraminer)
The name of this grade in transfer means: «Spicy grapes from Tramina». In spite of the fact that the ancestor of manufacture of a drink from Gevjurtstraminera is the city of Tramin in northern part of Italy, the best wines are made in Alsace. Also these grapes use in Germany and Austria. Fruits of this grade contain high percent of sugar and not enough acid. Therefore wines from them turn out with the big maintenance of alcohol, moist (off-dry), with the fine, sated bouquet.
Muller-Turgau (Muller Thurgau)
This grade is cultivated basically in Germany and other regions with a cool climate – England, the north of Italy, Austria and New Zealand. Wine turns out ordinary taste or as judges speak, without strong character.
Muscat (Muscat)
These grapes have set of versions on colour of fruits, but all of them differ juiciness, sweet and the small maintenance of acid. Of this grade make the whole set of wines with a rich flower bouquet – from dry to sweet, from light to dark. However young sweet wines are most appreciated.
Pino Gri (Pinot Gris)
Pino Gri is most extended in Italy, France. and Germany where carries the name of Rulander (Rulander). In general grapes of grades of Pino have various colour of fruits, for example Pino Blan – white, Pino Mene – red, Pino Nuar – dark red, Pino Gri – livid. And colouring of berries is caused only by colour of a thin skin, pulp and juice practically always the light. Wines from grapes of Pino Gri. can be dry, semisweet and sweet, an average and full body, differ the small maintenance of acid and neutral aroma, have deeper colour, rather than other white wines. Require endurance for 10 years and more. As to drinks from Pino Gridzho (Pinot Grigio) they possess unique taste only when are young. Grapes of Pino Blan are intended for manufacture of the rigid dry wines possessing neutral aroma and taste.
Risling (Riesling)
Grapes of this grade come from the Rhine and Mozelsky valleys of Germany. Now it also is grown up in Alsace in France and in some areas of Austria. The wines received from it, as a rule, dry also differ easy both freshening taste and fruit aroma. The most refined experts consider a drink from fruits of Rislinga as the brightest and live. The Austrian wine from this grade differs from German that has smack and aroma of a lemon, instead of a peach.
Semijon (Semillon)
Grapes of this grade grow in many corners of the world, most it is extended in France and Australia. Semijon perfectly approaches for manufacture of sweet white wines as in its fruits high concentration of sugar thanks to what, the drink has honey smack contains. Also these grapes often add in other grades of wines.
Shardone (Chardannay)
This grade is widely known all over the world as it grow up practically everywhere. It is not too whimsical and quickly adapts for almost any environmental conditions, bringing besides fine crops. Depending on a climatic zone in which the rod is grown up, distinguish easy and heavy fragrant wines. The first type of a drink allows to make a cool climate of Burgundy, and the second – hot Californian and Australian weather. Feature of a grade is that wine is necessary for maintaining in special flanks from the French oak. This method makes only high-quality Shardone and champagne as cost of one such reaches flanks of 600 dollars. Manufacturers of wines resort to small cunning more cheaply – add an oak shaving or an essence for giving of necessary aroma.
Shenen Blan (Chenin Blanc)
Shenen Blan most comfortably feels in a warm climate, especially in a valley of Loire and Southern Africa where this grade carries the name Stin (Steen). It is possible to make various wines of it, but it is dry more often. In the course of time endurances this grade becomes more and more sated with aromas of green apples, a lemon, a melon, apricots and honey.
Sovinon Blan (Sauvignon Blanc)
This grade is rather whimsical, most comfortably he feels in a cool climate. For wine choose the fruits which have just reached of ripeness, the fermentation is carried out at low temperature in capacities from stainless steel. To maintain a drink practically it is not necessary. From this grade which have been grown up in a valley of Loire in France, one of the most well-known wines – Sansere is made. It differs rigid enough taste with aromas of a gooseberry, a lemon, an asparagus and grasses. In general of this grade of grapes do lungs and, as a rule, dry wines. In Bordeaux there is own technology of preparation which consists in the following. Fruits of Sovinon Blan mix with a grade of Semijon in the ratio 1:1 and maintain in oak flanks, it allows to keep the unique aroma inherent in Sovinon and to soften rigidity of wine. By manufacture sweet Bordeaux wines, for example, Sotern and Barzak, and also American, Australian and South African, add these grapes as a component that sells certain taste.
Uni Blan (Ugni Blanc)
Uni Blan, the other name Trebbjano (Trebbiano) – widely known Italian grade. Wines from it differ the big maintenance of acid, easy type, with neutral aroma, small percent of sugar, therefore can move to any dishes.
Vione (Viognier)
These grapes long time were cultivated only in northern part of a valley of Rhone in France, and only recently have appeared in the south of France and in California. The result of manufacture of wine from this grade is rather astable and unpredictable, however the best drinks are rich with flower aroma and peach taste.