Once I have resulted the girl in fashionable wine restaurant in the USA. All was simply remarkable, the clothes on me were in the latest fashion, a smart car. But here time has come to order wine. Then it seemed to me that in this business all is simple enough. It is necessary to say only something of type “the Waiter, a bottle of your best wine”. But it has not appeared much more difficult. Wine restaurant all the same, especially in the USA…
Attempt to understand
But, short of that the fact that I at all did not know, what wine to choose for a fillet, ordered by me, and for a duck who was ordered by my ladylove, I could not even disassemble that is written in the list of wines of this American restaurant. It was simply the set of terms about which I had no concept. Earlier I considered that under names of many wines it is possible to guess at least its colour, but how it has been presented, I could not even understand white this wine or red wine, not to mention grapes or country grade in which it has been collected.
When have brought our wine, I have understood that the first time has really paid attention to a wine label. It was the double-Dutch for me. I have been assured that on a wine label the important information on fault should be specified, but I did not know where to look.
After that of a case in has made the decision that the similar should not repeat henceforth. For visiting of wine restaurant it is necessary to have at least the general concept about the data on a wine bottle. If you have come about the beautiful girl to wine restaurant of the USA to expose yourself the boor it would be desirable to nobody.
Now I know the favourite wine
Since then interest to wines became much stronger, now it not so simply to render a way impression on the lady. Let’s try make so that also you have not struck in a dirt the person on following appointment.
The label on a wine bottle contains the following data:
1. The alcohol maintenance in fault
2. A designation or area where grapes have been collected
3. Volume of a bottle
4. The name of wine
5. The manufacturer
6. Quality of wine
7. Type of wine
8. The Wine brand
9. Vintage
1. The alcohol maintenance
In the different countries various standards for a designation of quantity of alcohol in fault. In the USA the minimum maintenance of alcohol for table wines of 7 %, maximum is equal 14 %. Though on wine bottles percentage of alcohol in fault is specified, the admissible divergence is possible about 1.5 %, it is no more. And here for sherry or portveigns the alcohol maintenance varies from 17 % to 20 %.
2. A designation or area where grapes was collected.
For example as in case of wines grapes for which have been grown up in Old Light, the area, area entitles the wine have been collected. Sometimes it causes some difficulties, since those from us, who prefers wines from a New World (Australia, the Republic of South Africa, the USA or Chile), have got used to that the name wine occurs from grapes grade (Shiraz, Zinfandel) or from the vineyard name. In case the area of grapes cultivation is highly estimated by experts you can often find it on a wine label.
3. The bottle volume
Standard volume of a wine bottle which submit at wine restaurants of the USA is 750 milliliters or 1,5 litres. You can see this information on the label or at the bottom of a wine bottle.
4. The name of wine
You, probably, believe that the majority of wines have received the name thanks to district where grapes have been collected. For example, in France, Italy and Spain it indeed. Here that we observe in France:” Beaujolais “(Beaujolais),”Bordeaux”(Bordeaux) and”Champagne”(Champagne) – the is names of wines and areas. By the same principle Italian”Kjanti”(Chianti) and Spanish”Rojja”(Rioja) is named. But names to wines from these countries: the USA, the republic of South Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand are given a little in another way. As we spoke above, wine receives the name on a grade of grapes (vineyard). For example, Gallo of Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon.
5. The manufacturer
In the event that you not bad understand in wines the name of the manufacturer of wine will tell to you much more, than all the rest. The is better you know with wines, the it is more than manufacturers you will know in”person”. Names of manufacturers depend on the country. In France it can be Shato (Chateau), in Bordeaux or Domejn (Domaine), in Burgundy (Burgundy). In Germany, Italy and Spain are set of estates where grapes, therefore very important exact name, since grow Manufacturers share names of districts, and quality can differ. It is especially important, if you deal with wines from Germany.
6. Quality of wine
District where grapes have been grown up and collected, similarly has the system of an estimation that can help to be defined with quality of a drink. From time to time it is underlined on a bottle but so happens not always. We take, for example, Italy where there are seven degrees of quality, beginning from Vino da Tavola and finishing Denominazione di Origine Controllata. Also, Grand Cru is a designation of best “Bordeaux” in France. Since higher class often means a better product, you can find very many quite good wines among less rating.
7. Wine type
This information never can give to you of any serious data about bottle filling. Often, you will read only “white table wine” or “dry red wine”. However it completely not necessarily specifies you a sign of quality of wine. Remember it since wines should contain not less than 75 % of one grade of grapes (as they can be and mixed) in the USA, i.e. on a wine label it is impossible to specify the grapes name. Therefore became such difficult in definition and the general names as “white wine”. For this reason it is not necessary so strongly to go in cycles in a wine version.
8. The grade of grapes
The Grade is a version of grapes of which wine, that is the special maintenance ofwine has been made. Here too there can be some difficulties since to France and Italy such information on labels do not write. Areas where in these countries can make wine of traditional grades of grapes, it “Cabernet of Savinon” (Cabernet Sauvignon) in Bordeaux and Sandzhioveze (Sangiovese) in Kjanti. As the majority of the countries do not resolve use of foreign grades of grapes in mixes in these countries of similar wine there can not be more than 15 % (25 % – for the USA).
9. Vintage
Vintage means year of vintage, instead of year of flood of wine. It is especially important at definition of quality of wine, and, of course, matters for components which mix fault of especial qualities for giving. Under laws which differ in the different states, wine to be obliged it to is made, at least, on 85 % of the grapes which have been grown up in vintage year. Other structure can be a mix of wines of different vintage years.
I perfectly understand that it can appear uneasy (only it is possible to spend for the German wines about one week) but as soon as you will be adjusted will come to a conclusion that the main thing is a good analysis.