Ilevro is anti inflammatory, which is an NSAID as well, to treat eye disorders, pain, and inflammation. If you had a cataract surgery, then this medicine is best for you to relief from pain as well as swelling. If you wear contact lenses then you should avoid Ilevro or you should put on glasses throughout the application as well as the usage. The use of NSAID Ilevro eye drops while wearing lenses can prompt an expanded possibility of contamination. The eye drops works mainly to battle as well as to evaluate dirt particles from entering the region of the eyes. The treatment can be followed by the guidelines of a physician or an eye care specialist.
Why NSAIDs are important for eye care? NSAIDs can never be harmful, nevertheless, steroid and cortisone eye drops may harm your eyes after surgery. This drug is mild and NSAIDs are only a generic form of Ilevro, known as Nepafenac. NSAID is class of drug and one cannot judge them by their class. Every NSAID works differently, however, all of them are manufactured to treat as well as to cure something. NSAIDs is also famous in treating arthritis, so it is just a class of drug and Ilevro should be considered by its generic name, Nepafac.
When Should I use Ilevro? Ilevro usually prescribed just after cataract surgery and patient needs to follow his physician for the applications. It should be used twice or thrice a day and the patient should start the application a day after the surgery. However, we are sharing common info and it doesn’t mean you should follow us; Ilevro is always helpful as directed by an eye specialist. Some doctors may recommend this before the surgery so it is up to the doctor who is taking care of your eyes.
Directions for usage: There are no specific guidelines or rules for using Ilevro. The common precautions and style of use should be considered. Always clean as well as dry your hands and fingers before using Ilevro and make sure the tip will not touch your eye; keep the distance and pour the drops. Usually 0.1% drops is recommended.
What are the common side effects of ilevro? Ilevro doesn’t have serious side effects but it also depends on the condition of your eye. Some people may feel burning sensations for a few seconds while some people will not feel anything. Headache and redness of eyes can be noticed, but it is not a side effects as these things comes and goes in the fraction of seconds.