Tummy Tuck Scars Removal Remedies
Tummy tuck scars are as a result of abdominoplasty or else termed as tummy tuck cosmetic surgery. Scars can be very deep while others are not as deep and all this depends on the intensity of the surgery. For people who have had deeper tummy tuck surgery will have a difficult time covering up the scar as compared to people with a mini tummy tuck surgery. In case you would like to know the duration of tummy tuck scars removal the natural way … you will need about 36weeks to one year after surgery. Otherwise, despite the natural way of letting scars disappear being long it also does not guarantee the complete disappearance of the scar. Therefore, you may need a few tips on tummy tuck scars removal which are as follows:
i. Use Helchrysum Oil: This is where you wet a cotton ball with the oil and then rub the scarred areas with the piece of cotton wool. After that, you can hold it there for about five minutes, and then do these three times a day until your scar disappears. Therefore, for about $55 you can get yourself a 50ML of the oil which should be worthwhile
ii. Vitamin E Oil: It is usually applied twice a day that is in the morning and before you sleep. You should continue doing this until the scar disappears. One thing about Vitamin E oil is that it assists in the regeneration of skin cells, especially damaged and dead skin cells. So the oil will replace the damaged and dead skin cells with new ones. Most importantly, it is an antioxidant and a skin “tenderizer.”
iii. Cocoa Butter: All you need to do is apply the cocoa butter into the scar every day until the scar disappears. Cocoa butter contains necessary ingredients necessary for skin regeneration by breaking down the scar tissue and evens your skin tone as well as texture. This means it can keep your skin healthy.
iv. The Scar treatment Cream: All you need is apply the cream every day and ensure that you have followed the instructions until the scars have disappeared. It is important to note that every brand has its own instructions and will vary in terms of effectiveness especially depending on your skin. It is also good to note that every cream is recommendable for tummy tuck scars removal.
Most of the products mentioned above are available online and will vary in price with some varying in effectiveness. In conclusion, all the products are effective for tummy tuck scars removal.