December 10, 2024

Stretch mark removal

English: Very minor scarring from a moderately...
 Very minor scarring  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Stretch marks are a common form of scar tissue found on many of those patients who seek scar treatment and they can be treated in a variety of forms such as retinoids as prescribed by physicians, laser treatments and in more extreme situation, the painful process of dermabrasion. Although there exists no evidence to support the effectiveness of skin creams, some manufacturers will make the claim of having the miracle cream needed to obtain the results you desire.

The study of the effectiveness of some of these treatments is still underway and no conclusive ending has been provided but none the less people are still using them as a matter of treatment of scar tissue. One of those treatments that is still under the scrutiny of research is a process known as Radio frequency. The scientific journal Dermatologic Surgery published a study discussing the effectiveness of the treatment of scar tissue through the combined use of 585-nm pulsed dye laser treatment in conjunction with radiofrequency and found that 33 of 37 people had a marked reduction of stretch mark scarring and the coloration of this scarring material was elevated only after several treatments. As mentioned though, this is still under the eye of researchers and no evidence has yet been published. It should be noted, however, that if the scar tissue actually penetrates the epidermis and/or the dermis, laser therapy will be ineffective in the removal of stretch marks.

Another such treatment that many people from Hollywood’s elite to the average person is the process of skin tone and scar removal called the ‘tummy tuck’ in which the skin just under the navel is totally removed as this is the area which is found to contain the most frequent stretch mark scars.

A fairly new method of treatment available for the treatment of scar tissue is a process known as Fractional Laser Resurfacing. Dispensing small randomly dispersed light pulses, it causes small, nearly indiscernable wounds to the skin that removes a small portion of the scar which is deliberately done to stimulate the production of epithelium and collagen after treatment. A trial held in 2007 demonstrated that the administration of such treatment reduced stretch mark scarring in about 75 % in five or six treatments. Although the effectiveness in all of those patients varied from between 25% and 75% in terms of elimination or reduction of the scar material, 65% of those who participated voiced high satisfaction while 23% and 12% were satisfied or only minimally satisfied respectively.

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