Hysterectomy scars are unavoidable in most cases and are lessened when the hysterectomy is performed through the vagina, instead of taking everything out through an incision in the abdomen. In the case of a full or more extensive hysterectomy, larger scars are hard to avoid, especially if the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, uterus and top third of the vagina are to be removed, too. This is worsened if the woman having the operation has to have lymph glands removed as well because of cancer risks.
Unfortunately what many patients do not realize is the such scars result from two body parts joining together, which might mean that an abnormal adhesion may happen. If this is the case, what can happen on rare occasions is that when the reproductive organs have been removed, during the process of healing, the organs that remain may connect themselves through healing to other bodily organs, resulting in incredible pain. This chronic pain through the scar can start usually about six months after the hysterectomy has been done, so for many women, the need for further surgery means further scarring to ensure that the abnormal adhesion is corrected.
Most hysterectomy scars are more noticeable if your incision begins above your public hair section and runs to just below your navel. It may have been that your surgeon needed more work room and you will be stuck with a scar that can be up to six inches in length. If you got the more favorable bikini cut, your incision will run right along and just above your pubic hair section and is easier to hide. If you had a laparascope inserted, only small scars will be left behind on your abdomen, which will gradually fade and will be harder to see as they are so small and usually are so close to the stomach button that they appear to be part of it.
Hysterectomy scars that happen on the abdomen can vary in length and size, depending on what type of hysterectomy you need and what your doctor prefers to make it easier for the surgeon to do their job. Quite often, if given a choice, most women would prefer to go for the vaginal version, which is easier to recover from and leaves such small scars around your naval that you will hardly notice that they are there. However, in some cases such a hysterectomy is not possible and the standard incisions through the abdominal wall are needed, especially where more reproductive organs have to be taken out in more extensive types of hysterectomies, whether because of cancer or not.