September 14, 2024

How to be found for hidden jobs

As a visitor to my blog, you’ll know a thing or two about careers. How aware are you, however, of the concept of the “hidden jobs market”?

The hidden jobs market is one where jobs are not advertised. Candidates don’t apply. Instead, it’s a world of headhunters, where recruiters operate in the shadows to find candidates on behalf of clients.

In this world, you don’t apply for jobs. You are approached. To be approached, you have to be found.

To be found, you need to be visible. Smart executives (and it’s typically executive roles that are filled in this way) work hard to be visible to recruiters. They maintain profiles on sites such as GatedTalent, and they also ensure that they have a highly optimized Linkedin profile.

What is an optimized Linkedin profile? It’s one that is designed to get you found for the job you want. The default perspective of any Linkedin profile is backwards looking – it looks at what you’ve done, rather than what you are going to do next. You need to change that if you want to be found for your next role.

To do this, you begin by assessing your skills and the skills needed for the position. Work out how well they match up and then reference your most relevant skills on your Linkedin profile. You’ll need to use skills repeatedly – on your tagline, the summary and so on.

You’ll also need to push yourself up the search rankings. You can do this in a variety of ways, but a good tip is to engage on the platform. Post content on the news feed, and respond to Inmails. Linkedin rewards those who help it!

I hope that this advice will help you get on the radar for headhunters, and help you win your next position!

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