April 19, 2024

Reumofan plus ingredients

What is the need of Reumofan Plus?

Reumofan Plus is considered to be one of the usual supplements related to the diet which is being used across the world. The product is marketed as a treatment for bone cancer, muscle cramps, arthritis and several other similar problems. This natural dietary supplement has been promoted staking tall promises but the problem with this supplement is that it contains several harmful ingredients which have potential side effects.

Reumofan Plus is generally found with a Spanish label on it but other the label also exists in other versions such as English labelling. Reumofan Plus is a product of Mexico, manufactured by the Riger naturals. Despite of its origin, this product has been marketed such that it has spread its reach all the way through United States of America. Whether it is retail outlets or the flea markets or the different internet sites, this product is being sold all over the place.

Long use of Reumofan Plus has showed several side effects which are of severe nature. In many the adverse effect was such that it resulted into a stroke or death. FDA has also received many reports that includes stoke and death which points out the degree of the potential harm it can cause to a person seeking this medication. The agency recently issued a warning regarding the use of this product in the people domain, which highlighted the adverse effects of its long term use. The other harmful effects of this product mentioned in such reports included liver injury, rapid changes in the sugar levels, severe bleeding, weight gain, adrenal suppression, withdrawal syndrome, muscle cramps and swelling in the leg.
The laboratories which examined Reumofan Plus revealed that they found several undeclared ingredients in the product that are potentially harmful. The ingredients which were found in the analysis contain dexamethasone, methocarbamol and diclofenac sodium. You will find these ingredients on the label of this product as it remains undeclared and use of these ingredients can cause severe harm to you. One of the ingredients is dexamethasone which is found in the product, is a corticosteroid that is mainly used because of its anti-inflammatory features. It not only decreases the immune response of the body but also affects the different organ system of the body. Long use may result into serious complications such as high blood pressure, rapid change in the sugar levels, adrenal dysfunction, psychiatric problem, damage to bones and infections.

The adverse effects of using this product are such that it makes you addicted to it and immediate discontinuation of the drug may trigger health problems. Immediate discontinuation after a long use may result in low sugar levels, low blood pressure, nausea, fever, and fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle cramps, joint pain and dizziness. If anyone finds himself in such a situation then he must need to act fast. Usage of this product is habit forming, so no one can overcame it on his own. The very first thing you need to do is to consult a doctor, who is capable of helping you to move out from this mess. The hidden ingredients of this product are life-threatening and have a severe consequence on your health.

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